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Students' brain development

brainThere are several easy ways to gain optimal learning in the classroom by activating different parts of the students' brain. Educators have been trying to put knowledge of the human brain to work by transforming the information of basic into practical insights for the classroom. The important thing to keep in mind is all learning techniques are brain-based. Through the process of education, educators are trying to change the brain. Teenage years are the critical time for the growth of brain. So it is the time for the students to develop their skills such as deductive reasoning, problem solving, and generalizing. Teachers can become more effective with some knowledge of how the brain senses processes, stores and retrieves information. Learning requires the attention of the students' brain. The attention is facilitated by specific parts of the brain. Language acquisition is one of the most fundamental human behaviors. The brain not only stores the linguistic information but also adapt to the grammatical regularities of language. Neuroscientists noticed the strongest relationships in the area of the brain responsible for learning and memory as well as stress processing.

The teachers should present a limited amount of information for the students that should accommodate the short term memory. Parents should pay more attention to the creation of stress-free environment for students. It will allow them to develop while satisfying their natural curiosity. Scientists have invented that the brain can reorganize itself when it is provoked with new challenges, even though adulthood. The internet based learning provides opportunities for students to process the new information and to connect the new ones with previous learning. The research on students was held by brain scanning.

The best presentation, most engaging and effective teaching are the most important elements of interactive learning. The teacher should put these elements together. In the research, students whose families had higher income also had larger brain area controlling learning and memory. The part of the brain responsible for processing and for stress dealing of those students with parents had a higher education level was smaller than the student with parents had lower education level. Some scientists refuse the facts that students growing in disadvantaged families have lower brain development. Those are environmental factors results in different development of the student's brain rather than low-income of their families. The main conclusion is that higher family income led to better academic performance.




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