Research The Class
Titles and descriptions seldom do any justice – if you want a good idea of what some of the electives cover, either ask the teacher or an advisor. Find out if any of your classmates have taken the class and make your decision an informed one.
Familiarize Yourself With The Professor
More than anyone else, your professor will be master of your destiny, so ask around and see what to expect. Is the teacher tough or easy? Will the grading be fair or not? Whatever you do, take the input of students with a grain of salt. After all, one student may have never shown up to class and may opt to slag the teacher to explain his poor grade.
Make sure you understand what it will take to earn your diploma first. Find out whether your classes meet the required credits towards your degree. If you only need three electives and you have taken three already, taking a fourth elective may mean that you will have to take an additional class to meet the requirements of your major.
Fit In The Schedule
It is noble to want to take a class out of interest, but keep in mind that it should fit in your overall schedule. There is no sense in having a huge break because of one class, unless of course the class is really worth it. Just don't complain about it afterwards.
Pick What You Like
You should seek to pick classes that you find interesting. After all, it is one thing to book a class, it is another to have to sit through it and do the required work.
The Booking
Use Your Head, Call Ahead
Most of you will probably have to book by phone. Many will also only be allowed to start registering by a certain time, say 9am. But what happens is that everyone gets on the phone at 9am and this makes it hard to get through. By the time you get through, it is 4:20pm in the afternoon and you have to choose between "The Life and Times of Martha Stewart" or "Learning to Sew 101." What you should do is call at 8:45am, check out some other features like your payment status and only choose the register option at 9am. Since you are already in the system, you will have secured a free line.
Even in the best-case scenario, you will have some of your first picks filled to capacity. Make sure to have back ups for each choice based on a) what you need to complete your degree; b) time preference; c) level of interest and d) preferred professor.